HEC Journal Recognition 2024

If you’re eager to download this List of HEC-accredited journals, then you’re at the right location. Are you in search of the list of journals for research that has been approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan to assist you in your studies or research? Since the introduction of the HEC Journal Recognition System (HJRS) accessing this list of HEC acknowledged journals is now more simple than ever before. In this blog entry, we’ll show you how to download HEC acknowledged journal list. Research journals are described as scholarly journals that contain articles composed by professors, researchers, and experts from various disciplines.

Download HEC Recognized Journals List 2024 PDF

Additionally, you will be able to find out whether a journal is HEC recognized. HEC Journal Recognition System is an assortment of research journals that are classified into three distinct categories – – W three categories – X, W, and Y. The reason for publishing the journals of these is to showcase the latest research in particular areas of study.

Hjrs.hec.gov.pk Journal Recognition 2024

within their specific knowledge areas in the light of various internationally benchmarked and recognized indicators that assess the quality of the journal’s quality. As we’ve already discussed how to access this list of HEC-recognized institutions in Pakistan in greater detail and will be discussing how to utilize the HEC Journal Recognition System to gain access to the list of HEC-recognized journals for medicine, social sciences, and various other disciplines. Step 2: Choose an area from the dropdown. Select the subject, then choose a subcategory in the event that it is available for your subject Once you click”Export”,

Www.hec.gov.pk Journal Recognition 2024

The Higher Education Commission, more often referred to as HEC is an institution that is a part of the Government of Pakistan to provide and supervise the primary funding, regulation, and accreditation of higher education institutions within the country. The Excel file will begin its download on your PC.

HEC Recognized Journals Research Publications

The commission was founded in 1947 under the name of the University Grants Commission (UGC) before it was reformed as HEC in 2002. The Commission is accountable for the growth of the system of education higher in Pakistan. In this case, we’ve listed the top research journals in Agriculture Sciences exported from the HEC website.

HEC Recognized Journals 2024

The HEC Journal Recognition System is an online repository of HEC accredited journals. The Journals that are published in JML and don’t have an impact factor or other parameters such as AIF,

Check Online

EFT, H-Index, SJR, and SNIP are classified under the Y category. It was established earlier in the year to help promote high-quality research across a variety of disciplines of research.

HEC Recognized Journals 2024

Journals that are available through the indexes listed below of the Web of Science core collection are represented in HJRS. HJRS classifies HEC-recognized journals into three categories,

HEC Journal Categories

which are W, X, and Y, based on their quality, which is assessed using internationally recognized and benchmarked prestige metrics referred by the Journal Prestige Index (JPI).

List Of HEC Recognized Journals 2024 Pdf

HEC Journal Recognition System (HJRS) An assortment of journals for research that is classified into three distinct categories namely W, X, and The Y -(where W represents the most recognized category, followed by X and then Y). The new system online has a broad selection of HEC research journals that span all subject areas and disciplines in accordance with the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS).

HEC W Category Journals

in their particular knowledge fields according to various internationally benchmarked and accepted parameters that evaluate the quality of the journal’s performance in their respective areas of expertise.

HEC Recognized Journals List 2020

It is possible to access this HEC Journal Recognition System directly, or by going to HEC’s official HEC website by hovering your mouse over the word “R&D” in the upper navigation bar.

X Category Journals List

Position and the category of each journal are calculated using a unique algorithm developed to promote excellence in research across different disciplines.

# Title JPI
1 Genome Biology 100
2 Remote Sensing of the Environment 99
3 Ecology Letters 99
4 Trends in Ecology and Evolution 99
5 Molecular Biology and Evolution 99
6 Plant Cell 98
7 New Phytologist 98
8 Soil Biology and Biochemistry 98
9 Trends in Food Science and Technology 98
10 Trends in Plant Science 98
11 Current Biology 98
12 Systematic Biology 98
13 Annual Review of Entomology 98
14 Biological Reviews 98
15 Molecular Plant 98
16 ISME Journal 98
17 Annual Review of Plant Biology 98
18 PLoS Biology 98
19 Current Opinion in Plant Biology 97
20 Nature Plants 97

HEC Recognized Medical Journals 2024

Select ‘HEC Recognised journals from the drop-down menu. Once you select it, you will be taken to a page that contains all the pertinent information and links to the most recent list of HEC-recognized journals in those disciplines.

HEC Approved Supervisor List 2024

HJRS-HEC Pakistan 2024

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